Our Work

Blue Raster helps you tell your story through interactive
mapping technology. Make your message clear, exciting,
and user-friendly for both mobile and web platforms.

ArcGIS Desktop

New Updates to The DHS Program Spatial Data Repository: A one stop shop for Spatial Analysis Datasets

You may be familiar with the USAID funded DHS Program Spatial Data Repository (SDR) and use it to access spatial and non-spatial indicator data produced by The DHS Program surveys.  However, if you have not visited recently or are new to the tool check it out today!   There are brand new features, like a…  Read More

Advancing Sustainable Development in West Africa: A Geospatial Toolkit for Monitoring SDG Goals

Blue Raster partnered with the Biospheric Sciences Lab at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and MIT Media Lab to develop a desktop-based geospatial toolkit for calculating and reporting key indicators within Goal 15 of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals.  Read More

Virtualizing ArcGIS in the Cloud

Blue Raster helps clients achieve rapid, cost-effective cloud solutions for server and application hosting. Our team is now taking this concept a step further to completely Virtualize your ArcGIS Environment. As an Amazon Web Service and Microsoft Azure partner, our team strives to understand the latest ways to use GIS systems more efficiently. Coupled with…  Read More

Mapping America’s Wine Growing Regions

Have you ever wondered where your wine comes from? Did you know that there are hundreds of distinct wine regions in the United States? Since 2017, Blue Raster has been working with the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) to map over 270 of America’s Viticultural Areas (AVA) in GIS. We then developed the American Viticultural Area Explorer, a web mapping application to view, compare and download AVA boundaries.  Read More

Arlington Democrats: Organizing Volunteers with Accessible Maps

Volunteer organization is the backbone of local political parties, and these volunteers is are increasingly supported by accessible mapping. Recently, Blue Raster worked with the Arlington County Democratic Committee to update their door-to-door newsletter delivery route maps. These maps direct a group of nearly 500 volunteers from door to door, providing them with vital geographic and demographic information. Displaying 443 routes across 52 voter precincts, the success of the maps depends on being both descriptive and easily accessible.  Read More

ArcGIS Pro & ArcMap Training in Austin, TX

Last week, we traveled to Austin, TX to give a hands-on GIS training for the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and the American Institutes for Research (AIR). The idea behind the training was to deepen the staff’s proficiency using ArcGIS Pro/Desktop and ArcGIS Online. Here’s an inside look at the three-day training at AIR’s Austin office. Day one,…  Read More

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