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mapping technology. Make your message clear, exciting,
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The LEARN Tool: Everything You Need to Know About its Exciting 2025 Updates

Launched in 2021, the Land Emissions and Removals Navigator (LEARN) Tool was designed to help communities easily measure greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions resulting from land use changes. The tool enables users to intuitively analyze how forests and trees impact GHG emissions using land use and land cover data. In its latest update, Blue Raster collaborated with the Woodwell Climate Research Center, ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, and the World Resources Institute to expand its features, giving local governments and landowners even more tools to understand and manage the carbon stored in their forests and trees.

Blue Raster supported the initial development of the LEARN Tool to address a significant gap in existing carbon accounting methods. Traditionally, previously analyses have focused on measuring their emissions from energy and transportation sectors, while the emissions and removals from land-use change and forestry have been overlooked. However, these land-based emissions and removals are responsible for a significant proportion of the carbon footprint, particularly in rural areas.

What’s New in the LEARN Tool?


The latest iteration of the the LEARN Tool was built with the ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript and utilizes geoprocessing and image services hosted in an ArcGIS Enterprise environment.

The updated analysis in the LEARN Tool now includes the latest maps of Mature and Old Growth Forests, along with their protected status, offering a more comprehensive view of forest ecosystems. In addition to reporting net GHG emissions, the tool breaks down the total forest area by age and protection level, while calculating the carbon stored within each category. This deeper insight allows communities to understand the critical role forests play in carbon sequestration and climate mitigation.

With this information, users can easily identify high-value areas for preservation, develop strategies to protect mature and old growth forests, and take actionable steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. By highlighting the connection between forest preservation and climate impact, the LEARN Tool empowers communities to make informed decisions that align with their environmental goals.

Blue Raster also enhanced the LEARN Tool’s greenhouse gas analysis module with the latest National Land Cover Database (NLCD) data and added the ability for users to customize carbon factors with their own data. The default carbon factors used by the tool are derived from the Forest Inventory and Analysis database, providing a reliable foundation for calculating greenhouse gas emissions. Now, users can upload local carbon data tailored to their specific community, enabling more accurate and precise analysis.

Finally, the tool’s user interface has been revamped, making it even easier to run analyses and interpret results. These updates provide users with greater flexibility, improved accuracy, and a more streamlined experience as they work to understand and address the role of forests in greenhouse gas emissions.

Image of Analysis Panel showing tables of Area and Carbon Stocks categorized by forest age and protections status

Our Commitment to Conservation and Addressing Climate Challenges

Blue Raster is deeply committed to supporting conservation efforts and empowering communities with the tools they need to address climate challenges. This commitment drives our continuous development of the Land Emissions and Removals Navigator (LEARN) Tool, ensuring it remains at the forefront of innovation in measuring and managing greenhouse gas emissions from land use changes.

By collaborating with leading organizations and integrating the latest data and technologies, we strive to make the LEARN Tool a comprehensive and accessible resource for local governments, landowners, and conservationists. Our dedication to refining and expanding the tool reflects our belief in the power of actionable insights to promote sustainable land management and protect valuable ecosystems for future generations.

At Blue Raster, we are proud to be part of the global effort to create a healthier, more resilient planet.

Learn more about our work here and contact us today to see how we can support your mission and objectives.

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Accountability Framework Initiative and Compliance with GFW Pro

The Global Forest Watch (GFW) Pro application allows users to track and receive alerts of deforestation within their supply chains in real time, offering an accessible and comprehensive way for organizations to view their own progress in this key area of natural resource conservation. Blue Raster is proud to announce two updates to GFW Pro that allow for more efficient analysis of supply chains in light of new international regulations: new analyses specific to Argentina, and implementation of an E.U. deforestation regulation module tracking deforestation of natural lands since 2020.

A GFW Pro window displaying the characteristics of a particular historic site.


Accountability Framework Initiative and the EUDR 

The Accountability Framework, introduced in 2019 by an international collaboration of private producers and NGOs that form the Accountability Framework Initiative (AFi), provides companies a roadmap to more sustainable production methods by outlining best practices and measures of impact. By applying the Accountability Framework, producers can better ensure that their supply chains adhere to international standards of sustainability and report to stakeholders and consumers the steps they are taking to secure a better future for people and the planet. A particular standard of sustainability for producers will soon be implemented in the EU–the European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR), which obligates organizations that trade within the EU to ensure that their products are: 

  • Deforestation-free, meaning they come from a plot of land that was not deforested after 31 December 2020 
  • Produced in line with the relevant legislation in the country of production 
  • Covered by a due diligence statement.

GFW Pro now allows organizations to explore their production within the framework of EUDR and uses a new layer showing natural lands in 2020 as a baseline for deforestation analyses, confirming that products regulated by the EU are free from deforestation and degradation.

A table on GFW Pro showing forest loss since 2020 for a particular dataset.

Argentina OTBN Data

Additionally, GFW Pro now includes province-by-province data on Argentina’s Territorial Planning of Native Forests (OTBN). The 2007 regulation categorizes Argentina’s forests into three levels of conservation value and corresponding regulation, ranging from Category I (forest lands of high conservation value that cannot be transformed) to Category III (forest lands of low conservation value that can be transformed within existing regulation). The new data lets organizations monitor the overlap of the OTBN category of lands utilized in production and deforestation of those lands, enabling producers to more efficiently track whether or not tree cover loss remains within limits set by the OTBN regulation.

Blue Raster is a proud partner of the World Resources Institute and GFW Pro. Learn more about our work here.

Conservation.gov Launched for Earth Day 2024

On Friday April 19th the White House announced the launch of Conservation.gov, an information hub supporting locally led efforts to conserve and restore our nation’s lands, waters, and wildlife. Designing this brand new website was an exciting project that Blue Raster was proud to support. Launched just in time for Earth Day 2024, Conservation.gov is home to a wide variety of resources that support conservation, including the American Conservation and Stewardship Atlas (currently a beta version).

Home Page of the new Conservation.gov website Conservation.gov Welcome Banner

To celebrate and announce the launch of Conservation.gov the White House released a press statement, including a quote from John Podesta, Senior Advisor to the President for International Climate Policy, who said:

“With the launch of Conservation.gov and its tools like the American Conservation and Stewardship Atlas, Americans can explore how they can take action to support conservation in their own communities.”

Image of Conservation.gov feature of the America the Beautiful initiative through an interactive map application. Conservation.gov Interactive Map

Blue Raster supported this project by designing the website and pages using ArcGIS Hub. Blue Raster provided the visual designs, page layouts and graphic elements for the site, as well as configuring some of the included interactive elements such as the Find Financial Assistance tool. In supporting this project Blue Raster worked closely with our Esri partners, and an interagency partnership co-led by the Department of the Interior (DOI), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ).

Image of prototype tool that currently aggregates financial assistance information from select programs in Grants.gov that Blue Raster was involved in building. This prototype tool currently aggregates financial assistance information from select programs in Grants.gov

Inspired by our work on Conservation.gov? Contact us to discover how Blue Raster can tailor GIS solutions to enhance your organization’s impact.

Visit our contact page to get started!

Blue Raster Pioneering Imagery Management Technology and Delivery Workflows with ArcGIS

Many organizations prioritize the accessibility of imagery and image-derived products for visualization and analysis among both internal and external users. As such, efficient  management and delivery workflows are crucial for these organizations to fully harness the power of spatial data and maximize their product impact. Use cases for aerial images and raster data include land cover classification, urban planning, natural resource management, emergency response and disaster management, precision agriculture and conservation, environmental monitoring and change detection/climate change analysis.

Blue Raster specializes in utilizing the robust capabilities of GIS and cloud services to facilitate the seamless assembly, analysis, management and dissemination of multiresolution imagery, and raster data from different sources and timeframes. Our expertise helps organizations enhance their spatial data management and analysis capabilities.

Employing ArcGIS for Imagery Hosting, Analysis & Management

Empowered by cutting-edge technology, Blue Raster excels in tapping into the full potential of ArcGIS for image hosting, analysis, and delivery workflows across ArcGIS Enterprise, ArcGIS Pro, and ArcGIS Online. With ArcGIS Image Server and ArcGIS Image for ArcGIS Online, we enable organizations to host and conduct dynamic imagery analysis on an unprecedented scale.

The scalability and performance of ArcGIS Image Server redefines the boundaries of what is achievable in geospatial analytics. Additionally, by integrating imagery into the ArcGIS Online platform, organizations can create compelling and informative maps that facilitate a deeper understanding of their spatial data.

Providing On-Demand Imagery Delivery Services

We specialize in providing swift, on-demand collection and smooth delivery of imagery through versatile means including API keys, custom widgets, online user interfaces, and application plugins. Our expertise ensures that you have the necessary tools and support to cater to diverse requirements and preferences.

Whether you need quick access to specific imagery, or a tailored solution embedded within your applications, Blue Raster stands ready to assist, offering a range of flexible and efficient options to meet your unique needs.

Furthermore, we recognize the importance of seamless delivery workflows in ensuring timely access to critical imagery resources. Our solutions are designed to optimize delivery pipelines, minimizing latency and maximizing efficiency. Whether it's delivering imagery to remote field teams or integrating seamlessly with existing systems, we prioritize speed, reliability, and scalability to meet the dynamic needs of our clients.

Our commitment to innovation extends beyond just technology; it's ingrained in our culture. We're constantly exploring new ways to push the boundaries of what's possible, whether it's through advancements in artificial intelligence, cloud computing, or data visualization. By staying at the forefront of technological innovation, we empower our clients to stay ahead of the curve and achieve their objectives with confidence. Our teams of professionals are here to assist you in developing and deploying your delivery workflows.

Pioneering Collaborative Cloud-Based Imagery Management

For over a decade, Blue Raster has been working with clients and partners to deliver large volumes of imagery to support various geospatial workflows. Our cloud specialty has opened new frontiers for collaborative  management. Maximizing the cloud's scalability, organizations can now store, share, and analyze vast amounts of data in real-time. This not only streamlines internal processes but also facilitates effortless collaboration with external stakeholders.

Across the globe, our clients and partners are employing our services to manage and deliver their imagery to support their projects and organizational goals. Here are some examples:

Learn more about our work here

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Templeton Roots & Shoots Prizes: Honoring International Changemakers Who Are Making A Difference

Blue Raster is proud to announce another project from our long running collaboration with The Jane Goodall Institute.

Among Jane Goodall's many vital programs is Roots & Shoots, with the mission to empower young people to affect positive change in their communities.

In 2023, JGI collaborated with the John Templeton Foundation to award the Templeton Roots & Shoots Prizes.

Jane Goodall Templeton StoryMap

From the JGI website: "The Templeton Roots & Shoots Prizes are an extension of the partnership between JGI and the John Templeton Foundation to elevate the extraordinary efforts of visionary youth leaders and their adult mentors worldwide.  Awardees were selected based on their exceptional work with Roots & Shoots at the intersection of science, compassion, and community – specifically those who exemplify curiosity and wonder and the pursuit of knowledge, as well as the expression of compassion towards people, other animals and the environment we share."

When Erin Griffin, Director of Partnerships, Jane Goodall Institute-USA sought a novel way to showcase the 30 winners of the inaugural Templeton Roots & Shoots Prizes she turned to trusted partner Blue Raster and the concept of an ArcGIS StoryMap.

The StoryMap showcases the 2023 winners and features an interactive map, videos and a brief write up of each winner and their vital contributions.

StoryMap screenshot

Blue Raster built several StoryMaps for The Jane Goodall Institute. The platform is ideal for visual story telling, with or without a map based visualization.

Check out the Templeton Roots & Shoots Prizes StoryMap, honoring international changemakers who are making a difference today!

Templeton StoryMap

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