
Trillion Trees: An Interactive Look at Forest Regeneration

Trillion Trees is a joint venture between three of the world’s largest conservation organizations – BirdLife International, Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and WWF – to end deforestation and restore tree cover. The organization aims to protect and restore forests to achieve one trillion trees by 2050, for the benefit of people, nature, and a stable climate.  Read More

Getting Conservation Efforts On The Map

The Northern Great Plains Joint Venture (NGPJV) aims to support and implement protection, enhancement, and restoration of prairie grassland, shrub-steppe, wetland, and riparian ecosystems. With an emphasis on sustaining and increasing populations of migratory and resident birds, their work spreads across North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, and Montana.  Read More

Jane’s Green Hope: Blue Raster supports 87 Years of Jane Goodall’s Impact

For over 60 years, Dr. Jane Goodall has inspired and motivated millions of people around the globe to live in greater harmony with nature and to take action on behalf of the planet we share. To celebrate her 87th birthday, Dr. Goodall is asking you to pledge to make a difference via the Jane’s Green Hope campaign,.  Read More

Bringing Transparency to Transboundary Water Policy in the Mekong River Basin

From its headwaters on the Tibetan Plateau, the Mekong River runs through six countries, China, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, and Cambodia before reaching the ocean. Over 60 million people live in the Mekong watershed and rely on its natural resources and fish and agricultural products produced here are shipped throughout the world. However, recent evidence indicates…  Read More

SubsidyExplorer Tool: Design for Decisions

In collaboration with The Pew Charitable Trusts, Blue Raster assisted in the design of the SubsidyExplorer tool’s interface and workflow to create a web application tool that is easier to understand, navigate, and execute. SubsidyExplorer is a first-of-its-kind interactive toolkit that allows users to explore potential biological and economic impacts of fisheries subsidy reform scenarios.  Read More

Track Industrial Spaces in the Mekong Region with the Updated Mekong Infrastructure Tracker

The latest release of The Mekong Infrastructure Tracker includes data on Industrial Spaces. In addition to major transportation hubs, such as railway stations, airports, and seaports, these include special economic zones, cross border economic zones, and industrial zones. These areas, with special tax treatment and other regulations, are a key centers of economic activity and international investment.  Read More

Celebrating 60 Years of Discovery with Jane Goodall

To celebrate the 60th anniversary of Dr. Jane Goodall’s research on wild chimpanzees, Blue Raster teamed up with the Jane Goodall Institute to launch a new interactive story map. Powered by Esri’s ArcGIS StoryMaps, DISCOVERY, INNOVATION & HOPE allows viewers to explore six decades of discovery in Gombe, Tanzania, and highlights Dr. Goodall’s role as a scientific trailblazer.  Read More

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