Economic Development

Explore Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the USA with The Draper Innovation Index U.S.

Built using ArcGIS Hub, ArcGIS Dashboards, and ArcGIS StoryMaps, the Draper Innovation Index US includes three major scenarios: Balanced, Tech Innovation Environment and Regulatory and Tax Environment. These scenarios weight six sub-indices, providing a look at state performance in a variety of categories.  Read More

Bringing Transparency to Transboundary Water Policy in the Mekong River Basin

From its headwaters on the Tibetan Plateau, the Mekong River runs through six countries, China, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, and Cambodia before reaching the ocean. Over 60 million people live in the Mekong watershed and rely on its natural resources and fish and agricultural products produced here are shipped throughout the world. However, recent evidence indicates…  Read More

Track Industrial Spaces in the Mekong Region with the Updated Mekong Infrastructure Tracker

The latest release of The Mekong Infrastructure Tracker includes data on Industrial Spaces. In addition to major transportation hubs, such as railway stations, airports, and seaports, these include special economic zones, cross border economic zones, and industrial zones. These areas, with special tax treatment and other regulations, are a key centers of economic activity and international investment.  Read More

Clearview Analytics Tool: Accelerating Economic Insight

Avenu Insights, a company focused on improving and maintaining revenue streams for state and local governments, and Blue Raster have just released the first iteration of the Clearview Analytics Economic Development Insights (EDI) tool. The Economic Development tool provides key insights to cities and counties to attract new business, plan future investments, and understand the competitive…  Read More

ArcGIS Hub: Grow Your Local Economy

Last year, Esri announced a new product in their platform– ArcGIS Hub. ArcGIS Hub supports collaboration between governments, businesses, citizens and their communities to accomplish data-driven Initiatives. Recently, Blue Raster assisted Esri in the creation of the Grow Your Local Economy Initiative. This Initiative provides a suite of tools and applications you can use to show business owners,…  Read More

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