Our Work

Blue Raster helps you tell your story through interactive
mapping technology. Make your message clear, exciting,
and user-friendly for both mobile and web platforms.


The LEARN Tool: Everything You Need to Know About its Exciting 2025 Updates

Launched in 2021, the Land Emissions and Removals Navigator (LEARN) Tool was designed to help communities easily measure greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions resulting from land use changes. The tool enables users to intuitively analyze how forests and trees impact GHG emissions using land use and land cover data. In its latest update, Blue Raster collaborated…  Read More

Blue Raster Collaborates with MIT to Address Environmental Hazards in Carceral Facilities

Our latest collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Media Lab – Space Enabled Research group and Fight Toxic Prisons (FTP), is a participatory research initiative designed to shed light on the environmental hazards faced by prisons, jails, and detention centers across the United States.  Read More

Conservation.gov Launched for Earth Day 2024

On Friday April 19th the White House announced the launch of Conservation.gov, an information hub supporting locally led efforts to conserve and restore our nation’s lands, waters, and wildlife. Designing this brand new website was an exciting project that Blue Raster was proud to support. Launched just in time for Earth Day 2024, Conservation.gov is…  Read More

Blue Raster Pioneering Imagery Management Technology and Delivery Workflows with ArcGIS

Blue Raster excels in tapping into the full potential of ArcGIS for imagery hosting, analysis, and delivery workflows across ArcGIS Enterprise, ArcGIS Pro, and ArcGIS Online. With ArcGIS Image Server and ArcGIS Image for ArcGIS Online, we enable organizations to host and conduct dynamic imagery analysis on an unprecedented scale.  Read More

New Features in the LEARN Tool Expand Functionality for Assessing GHG Emissions from Land Use

Blue Raster is pleased to release the new build for the LEARN (Land Emissions and Removals Navigator) Tool. Built in partnership with Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI) and the World Resources Institute (WRI), the LEARN Tool allows for community inventorying of the effects of land use change on greenhouse gas emissions. This tool empowers policy makers, local governments, and community members to make informed decisions on environmental and climate policy.  Read More

National Audubon Society’s Bird Migration Explorer

Audubon has partnered with Blue Raster to create the Bird Migration Explorer- an immersive application that teaches users about the joy of migration. By mapping the over 450 bird species, and visualizing the conservation needs of high priority areas, the Bird Migration Explorer tells the stories of birds across the hemisphere. This application is designed to excite, engage and inform a variety of users from birders to conservationists to researchers. Blue Raster helped make this application a reality by configuring, publishing, and visualizing data.  Read More

Mekong Monitor – Providing Vital Insight for River-dependent Communities

Blue Raster developed the Mekong Dam Monitor to provide unprecedented transparency of the flow of water and conditions of dams and reservoirs along the Mekong River. Using satellite data as well as weather and water gauge data, the monitor provides visibility into what is happening upstream, giving a comprehensive near-real time view of the current state of the Mekong basin along with historic conditions. This allows people all along the river and those advocating for more equitable and sustainable use of the river to understand and plan for changes in the levels of the river.  Read More

Estimating Community GHG Emissions from Land Use Change

As communities around the United States seek to mitigate the impact of climate change by reducing their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the importance of land use to the GHG balance has become more apparent. About one third of human caused GHG emissions each year are sequestered in forests and trees but most communities do not include forests and trees in their inventories. To help fill this gap, the World Resources Institute (WRI) and Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI) developed the Land Emissions and Removals Navigator (LEARN) tool.  Read More

Global Forest Watch Fires: New Fire Monitoring Capabilities

Global Forest Watch Fires (GFW Fires) is an online platform for monitoring and responding to forest and land fires using near real-time data. New features and tools make it easier to respond to fires, increase enforcement against illegal fires, and coordinate relationships between government agencies.  Read More

Protecting Indigenous & Community Lands With LandMark

Blue Raster is pleased to work with the World Resources Institute (WRI) on a recent initiative to release new datasets and tools on LandMark– an online, global platform providing maps on Indigenous and Community Lands. The new analysis features and data focus on measuring the impacts Indigenous Peoples have on climate change mitigation and adaptation. According to…  Read More

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