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Greenhouse Gas

New Features in the LEARN Tool Expand Functionality for Assessing GHG Emissions from Land Use

Blue Raster is pleased to release the new build for the LEARN (Land Emissions and Removals Navigator) Tool. Built in partnership with Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI) and the World Resources Institute (WRI), the LEARN Tool allows for community inventorying of the effects of land use change on greenhouse gas emissions. This tool empowers policy makers, local governments, and community members to make informed decisions on environmental and climate policy.  Read More

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Carbon Benefits Calculator

Blue Raster partnered with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) to create a robust Carbon Benefits Calculator. This tool estimates and visualizes the carbon impact of past and planned conservation efforts, restoration, and improved land management activities of NFWF.  Read More

Jane’s Green Hope: Blue Raster supports 87 Years of Jane Goodall’s Impact

For over 60 years, Dr. Jane Goodall has inspired and motivated millions of people around the globe to live in greater harmony with nature and to take action on behalf of the planet we share. To celebrate her 87th birthday, Dr. Goodall is asking you to pledge to make a difference via the Jane’s Green Hope campaign,.  Read More

Estimating Community GHG Emissions from Land Use Change

As communities around the United States seek to mitigate the impact of climate change by reducing their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the importance of land use to the GHG balance has become more apparent. About one third of human caused GHG emissions each year are sequestered in forests and trees but most communities do not include forests and trees in their inventories. To help fill this gap, the World Resources Institute (WRI) and Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI) developed the Land Emissions and Removals Navigator (LEARN) tool.  Read More