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Blue Raster helps you tell your story through interactive
mapping technology. Make your message clear, exciting,
and user-friendly for both mobile and web platforms.

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Accountability Framework Initiative and Compliance with GFW Pro

Blue Raster is proud to announce two updates to GFW Pro that allow for more efficient analysis of supply chains in light of new international regulations. By applying the Accountability Framework, producers can better ensure that their supply chains adhere to international standards of sustainability and report to stakeholders and consumers the steps they are taking to secure a better future for people and the planet. Read More

World Water Day: New ways to see WASH data on the Spatial Data Repository

World Water Day is celebrated on March 22 to raise awareness of and to inspire action to tackle water and sanitation issues globally. Blue Raster, with leadership from and in close collaboration with The DHS Program, has developed the Local Data Mapping tool ,debuting today on the DHS Program Spatial Data Repository(SDR).  Read More

New Updates to The DHS Program Spatial Data Repository: A one stop shop for Spatial Analysis Datasets

You may be familiar with the USAID funded DHS Program Spatial Data Repository (SDR) and use it to access spatial and non-spatial indicator data produced by The DHS Program surveys.  However, if you have not visited recently or are new to the tool check it out today!   There are brand new features, like a…  Read More

New Features in the LEARN Tool Expand Functionality for Assessing GHG Emissions from Land Use

Blue Raster is pleased to release the new build for the LEARN (Land Emissions and Removals Navigator) Tool. Built in partnership with Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI) and the World Resources Institute (WRI), the LEARN Tool allows for community inventorying of the effects of land use change on greenhouse gas emissions. This tool empowers policy makers, local governments, and community members to make informed decisions on environmental and climate policy.  Read More

Answering the Call for More Sustainable Groundwater Management with GRAT

With data from the districts and complex, analytical logic provided by The Earth Genome and Sustainable Conservation, Blue Raster was able to help design and develop GRAT using ArcGIS Enterprise and the ArcGIS API for JavaScript. The application allows users from select California water districts to adjust water availability scenarios, recharge types, and specific crops used in the analysis.  Read More

New Era for Plant Mapping at New York Botanical Garden with PlantTracker

Looking to upgrade their public mapping presence and expand internal use of GIS, NYBG and Blue Raster partnered to develop PlantTracker. Replacing a previous tool, PlantTracker is the online catalog of NYBG’s living collections used to find plants, navigate the grounds, get plant information, view photographs, and take curated tours.  Read More

Public Health & GIS: HealthLandscape Addresses Today’s Public Health Challenges

The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) aims to strengthen family physicians and the communities they care for through prevention and public health initiatives. As part of this effort, their research arm, HealthLandscape, develops geospatial data visualization to help the community find insights to improve health care.  Read More

Estimating Community GHG Emissions from Land Use Change

As communities around the United States seek to mitigate the impact of climate change by reducing their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the importance of land use to the GHG balance has become more apparent. About one third of human caused GHG emissions each year are sequestered in forests and trees but most communities do not include forests and trees in their inventories. To help fill this gap, the World Resources Institute (WRI) and Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI) developed the Land Emissions and Removals Navigator (LEARN) tool.  Read More

Bringing Transparency to Transboundary Water Policy in the Mekong River Basin

From its headwaters on the Tibetan Plateau, the Mekong River runs through six countries, China, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, and Cambodia before reaching the ocean. Over 60 million people live in the Mekong watershed and rely on its natural resources and fish and agricultural products produced here are shipped throughout the world. However, recent evidence indicates…  Read More

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