Our Work

Blue Raster helps you tell your story through interactive
mapping technology. Make your message clear, exciting,
and user-friendly for both mobile and web platforms.


Blue Raster Collaborates with MIT to Address Environmental Hazards in Carceral Facilities

Our latest collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Media Lab – Space Enabled Research group and Fight Toxic Prisons (FTP), is a participatory research initiative designed to shed light on the environmental hazards faced by prisons, jails, and detention centers across the United States.  Read More

Conducting Research and Data Analysis for The Nature Conservancy’s Coastal Restoration Opportunities Project

NC required Blue Raster’s support in meeting its main goals for the Coastal Restoration Opportunities project, which included delineating, mapping, and quantifying coastal restoration opportunities for five coastal habitats in the United States; Establishing natural historical and current habitat occurrences through research, subject matter expert surveys, and literature reviews; Creating interactive restoration opportunities maps.  Read More

Haverford College Campus Placefinder

Like most colleges, Haverford College has a dynamic campus life that requires significant management and planning to run smoothly. But recently, Haverford College decided to make this planning easier on themselves by using the power of GIS to their advantage. They were looking for a better solution for their campus planning, so they partnered with…  Read More

WHO Malaria Threats Map: Tracking challenges of malaria control to 2030

Blue Raster is proud to announce the debut of the Malaria Threats Map application, a collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) aimed at tracking biological challenges to malaria control and elimination. Recent trends are emerging that necessitate a need for authorities to adapt plans for control and elimination of Malaria and counter the growing…  Read More

Historic Zoning in DC

Blue Raster worked with the DC Office of Zoning (DCOZ) to compile scanned versions of the 1958 zoning data as it evolved over approximately 60 years to present day. The data was georeferenced and converted to digital services and then displayed through an interactive application that allows users to choose a year of interest and…  Read More

2016 Esri DevSummit: Learning with the Best

The Blue Raster team returned energized more than ever from the Esri Developers Summit in Palm Springs, California. The DevSummit is where we innovate with others on the latest approaches to web mapping and GIS as well as get a sneak peak on what’s coming up in 2016 specific to the Esri Tools. Stand out…  Read More