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Blue Raster helps you tell your story through interactive
mapping technology. Make your message clear, exciting,
and user-friendly for both mobile and web platforms.

Amnesty International

Story Map for Amnesty International – “Will I Be Next?”

Using the Esri Geoblog template, Blue Raster helped Amnesty International  create the “Will I Be Next?” story map on the drone strikes in Pakistan. The map uses data collected by Amnesty International and displays it from an on-the-ground perspective via videos, images, and stories.

US Drone Strikes in Pakistan

Users can scroll through a journal of stories, as well as view positions of witnesses on the map. Users can also “Take Action!” on the events and participate in the Amnesty activism campaigns. By teaming Amnesty International’s efforts with Blue Raster’s online mapping capabilities, visitors can learn about the ongoing work of the organization with a geographic and visual context. View the “Will I Be Next? story map today, and read more about  Amnesty International’s  work in their “Will I be next?” report.

Drone Strikes Case Study: The Killing of Mamana Bibi

Amnesty International – Eyes on Syria

Blue Raster announces the launch of Eyes on Syria for Amnesty International, the world’s largest human rights organization.  Created using ArcGIS Server Flex API, Flickr, and YouTube, this application tracks human rights concerns within Syria, the harassment of pro-reform Syrians abroad, and activism of Amnesty International supporters around the world.  Eyes on Syria offers a comprehensive picture of the situation in and outside Syria using geolocated photography and video evidence with eyewitness testimonies as well as activist campaign materials.  The project was led by Amnesty International’s Science for Human Rights Program.

Amnesty International – Eyes on Nigeria

Blue Raster is proud to announce the launch of Eyes on Nigeria for Amnesty International, the world’s largest human rights organization.  Created using ESRI ArcGIS Server and Flex API, this application utilizes satellite imagery to track developments on the ground in areas of Nigeria where there are ongoing human rights concerns including forced evictions, pollution, violations of international humanitarian law, and communal violence and armed conflict.  The project was led by Amnesty International’s Science for Human Rights Program, in collaboration with the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

Eyes on Nigeria utilizes high- and moderate-resolution satellite technology as well as traditional cartographic techniques and geolocated photography and video.  As a result, it offers a comprehensive picture of the situation on the ground in Nigeria, including through active monitoring of gas flaring in the Niger Delta region.  Eyes on Nigeria enables private citizens and policy makers worldwide to monitor the regions as well as allows access to related research findings, analysis, eyewitness testimonies, and advocacy and campaigning materials.  This site is designed to bring concerned people across the world closer to the daily threat those in Nigeria face.  “The Eyes on Nigeria project is a comprehensive view of the most pressing human rights issues facing the people of Nigeria,” said Scott Edwards, director of the Amnesty International Science for Human Rights Program.  “We hope that people around the world will be inspired by what they learn through this new project to act in concert with the Nigerian people to demand basic human dignity.”

To see how Amnesty International’s Eyes on Nigeria leverages the power of geospatial technology to map human rights violations please visit www.eyesonnigeria.org.  For more background on the project go to Amnesty International’s News and EventsAmnesty International UK, Amnesty International’s Blog, or AAAS.

Eyes on Nigeria