Our Work

Blue Raster helps you tell your story through interactive
mapping technology. Make your message clear, exciting,
and user-friendly for both mobile and web platforms.

Bear Trust International

Bear Basics – New Portal Into the World of Bears

Blue Raster has long recognized the importance of putting exploration tools into the hands of science enthusiasts. So we were excited to collaborate on a joint project with Bear Trust International, a non-profit dedicated to conservation education.

Bears of the World Story Map

As part of their STEM program, Bear Trust asked Blue Raster to create an engaging web lesson plan rooted in bear research and ecology. Using datasets generously provided from the IUCN Red List, Blue Raster created the Bears of the World story map.

Bears of the World Story Map

Built with ArcGIS Online, the story map enables kids to learn about the eight species of bears worldwide and view their range maps.

“The folks at Blue Raster provided unparalleled customer service, expertise, and creative vision.  We are so excited about providing our interactive map to kids and the public, and we look forward to our next collaborative project with Blue Raster.”

-Dr. Melissa Reynolds-Hogland, Executive Director of Bear Trust International

Check out the story map today, and discover how its helping engage the next generation of environmental stewards.