Our Work

Blue Raster helps you tell your story through interactive
mapping technology. Make your message clear, exciting,
and user-friendly for both mobile and web platforms.

DC Department of General Services

Esri State and Local Specialty:
Enabling Digital Communities Nationwide

Blue Raster is proud to be a Partner in the Esri State and Local Specialty program. The State & Local Government Specialty program is designed to help Esri customers identify providers with ArcGIS expertise and substantial experience in working with local, state, county, and city governments. Partner companies must demonstrate a track record of delivering value to these organizations.

State and Local Experience

Blue Raster supports the development of platforms and applications that help state and local organizations manage, use, and disseminate geospatial data and analysis to for better decision making regarding policy, budgets, planning, and more. Using the full Esri platform, we provide a full range of services setting up ArcGIS Enterprise, ArcGIS Hub site, and Operations  Dashboards to optimizing Field GIS tools like Field Maps, Survey 123, ArcGIS Workforce, and ArcGIS Collector. Our state and local support has spanned the nation from coast to coast including small towns, to major metropolitan areas.
Our solutions, leveraging all aspects of the ArcGIS platform have supported:

  • Emergency Response
  • Fire Services
  • Law Enforcement
  • Fish & Wildlife
  • Planning & Development
  • Transportation
  • COVID Response
Blue Raster - State and Local Government Specialty

Blue Raster solutions and services are available to state and local agencies via the GSA schedule as well as a number of state contracts including Virginia's eProcurement Portal (eVA ID #VS000009118), Maryland CATS+, and Pennsylvania Disaster Emergency Suppliers.

Michael Lippmann
“We’re proud to have our state and local experience and expertise recognized with our place in the specialty program,” said Michael Lippmann Principal/Founder of Blue Raster. “We’re looking forward to expanding out work with communities to ensure data is being used and understood in ways that can make a direct impact on how citizens live, work, and play.”

We’re here to serve any state and local organization looking to better utilize their data
Contact us today to learn more about the Esri State and Local Specialty Program!

State and Local Government Logos

DCPS Recycles Right

Have you ever wondered where plastic comes from, how plastic bottles are made, or where it goes when recycled? The students of Washington, DC public schools are learning the answers.

To celebrate America Recycles Day (November 15th), the Department of General Services (DGS) in Washington, D.C. is launching a brand new series of Story Maps focusing on some of the most commonly found items in a school cafeteria. The Story of Waste looks at how everyday items are produced, transported, consumed and recycled. The stories help teach students the global supply chain of products, where waste from their cafeteria goes, and what it becomes.

Did you know that over 8 million metric tons of plastic enter our oceans each year? The stories also share statistics on waste to help students understand the importance and impact of recycling right. Narratives showing the recycle, waste and compost paths of a banana peel, plastic bag, and plastic bottle are complete. DGS and Blue Raster are working on additional stories for paper and incorrectly disposed plastic bottles, coming soon.

DGS is working with over 100 public schools on programs for recycling and composting. In 2010 the city enacted the DC Healthy Schools Act which aims to improve health and wellness of students. Each year, schools are recognized for meeting the requirements of the program and an application was built to highlight Honor Roll schools on a map.

Check out these great stories today!