Blue Raster is ready to assist your organization with the rapid setup of
Operations Dashboards and ArcGIS Hub pages for Covid-19 response efforts.
Blue Raster is ready to assist your organization with the rapid setup of Operations Dashboards and ArcGIS Hub pages for Covid-19 response efforts. Trained by Esri & FEMA on disaster response efforts, our team is experienced in quickly developing innovative and clear dashboards and sites that present crucial data in an easy-to-understand and consumable format, which allows for decision makers to view and assess current situations and guide informed decision making surrounding Coronavirus.
Blue Raster offers Hub support packages to help users successfully set up, implement, and launch ArcGIS Hub. Using our technical expertise and comprehensive knowledge of ArcGIS Hub configurable templates, Blue Raster can help you jump start your Hub Apps and Initiatives.
Adding location to contact tracing can help slow down the spread of COVID-19 by increasing awareness and enabling quick preventative action.
Our team helps government agencies and non-profits tap into the power of using story maps, dashboards, and apps for COVID-19 communication and resources.
Leverage ArcGIS Hub sites to involve and update the community, predict virus surge, and communicate important information around vaccine distribution and phased openings. As an ArcGIS Hub Specialty Partner, Blue Raster can help you jump start your Hub Site and tap into the power of Hub's community engagement platform.
To illustrate what the Red Cross' response efforts look like during times of COVID-19, the Red Cross collaborated with Blue Raster to publish a StoryMap.
During the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, life’s emergencies don’t stop — and neither does the work of the American Red Cross
Visit the StoryMap to learn more about the Red Cross' mission, relief efforts, opportunities and more.
In order to view trends and highlight recent change over time in various parts of the County, Blue Raster analyzed differences between COVID-19 cases for multiple two-week intervals.
Additionally, in efforts to visualize the County's key vaccination distribution metrics and trends our team deployed Esri's ArcGIS Solution: Coronavirus Vaccine Distribution Dashboard.
To help communicate the County's efforts around vaccine distribution, Blue Raster is currently collaborating with the County on a Vaccine and COVID-19 Hub Site. The site will include key vaccination distribution metrics and trends and will utilize tools included in Esri's ArcGIS Coronavirus Vaccine Solution.
Blue Raster collaborated with Esri and FEMA to design a Hub site for data sharing and collaboration among FEMA's partners. While not public, the site can be accessed by all of FEMA’s federal, state, local, tribal, private sector, and NGO partners.
To help communicate the County's efforts around vaccine distribution, Blue Raster is currently collaborating with the County on a Vaccine and COVID-19 Hub Site. The site will include key vaccination distribution metrics and trends and will utilize tools included in Esri's ArcGIS Coronavirus Vaccine Solution.
Blue Raster supported Stark County, Ohio with case monitoring efforts to enable patients diagnosed with COVID-19 to electronically self-
If you are a state or local government agency, we are on the GSA Schedule as well as many state contracts, like eVA, Maryland CATS+ and Pennsylvania Disaster Emergency Suppliers. Additionally, we are on many state & agency COVID-19 response vendor lists.