Health GIS: From Data Entry to Dashboard in Real Time

GIS continues to be used in public health research and planning. The types of companies and organizations adopting Health GIS span the health care spectrum: from public health departments and public health policy and research organizations to hospitals, medical centers, and health insurance organizations.

To demonstrate our work in the field of Health GIS, Blue Raster Program Manager Phil Satlof presented at the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, aka HIMSS, 2021 Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada. Phil’s presentation, “From Data Entry to Dashboard Display- How to create real-time business intelligence using the ArcGIS Platform” took place in the Esri Demo Theater.

His presentation highlighted a number of Health GIS projects that enabled organizations to move seamlessly from data collection into immediate analysis and decision-making. Phil showed how Blue Raster was able to jump start configurable and extendable ArcGIS Platform applications in a number of applications including:

For more information on these applications and our ability to streamline data to action, Contact Us.Health GIS

HIMSS Conference 2021 


Spatial data and GIS technology can underscore coverage gaps in the populations we hope to reach, the opportunities to improve workflows, and the ability to plan for and mitigate against unforeseen events. Applied Health GIS leads to improved health outcomes, increased accessibility to health care, and healthier communities.

Globally, there is a renewed appreciation for the critical role that public health preparedness professionals play in keeping our communities safe. The COVID-19 pandemic brought the awareness of public health emergency response into our living rooms. Now, people better understand how the health of a community impacts the economy, transportation networks, education, community design and infrastructure. The crisis’ scope and complexity  demonstrated that public health preparedness is a vital function. It requires careful planning and coordination, with Health GIS playing a leading role.


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