Mapping for a World Without Malnutrition

Driven by the vision of a world without malnutrition, the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) and Blue Raster worked to release the latest version of the Malnutrition Mapping Project (MalMap). This interactive mapping application provides mapping and analysis tools for multiple stressors of malnutrition. From start to finish, users can explore factors that enable malnutrition such as poverty levels and population density, access to basic water, and development outcomes such as percentages of deaths due to diabetes and rates of low birth weight.

The expansion of this project includes the addition of 33 new indicators, and a comprehensive update to the existing 40 indicators. Not only can you display and compare these indicators worldwide, but users can analyze these variables to see which countries are exceeding set thresholds for each indicator. The analysis allows users to also focus in on which countries are exceeding a set threshold for all the indicators, with no limit on the number of indicators that can be cross compared. This allows stakeholders to drill down into the data like never before and focus on directing aid and funding where there is most need.

All of the data in this application is hosted on ArcGIS Online, a scalable cloud-based platform that allows for future expansion of the maps.  The framework for the application was upgraded to the latest React providing a clean, easy-to-navigate interface.



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