Finding the Right School with The College Map

Finding Schools is now easier than ever with the College Map, the first geographic search tool published by IPEDS (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System) providing access to over 7,000 certificate, undergraduate and graduate-level schools. This all-in-one tool enables students, parents and counselors to filter potential programs for location, major, tuition and more. Including both certificate-level programs and advanced degrees, this public application makes the often overwhelming process of school searching simple, and it’s available on mobile devices.

Mobile_ScreenshotOnce the results are narrowed down, users can share their lists on social media or download in excel format. Additionally, the College Map integrates with the College Navigator, a research based search tool providing data from the complete list of IPEDS Survey indicators.

The College Map is powered by the ArcGIS JavaScript API and ArcGIS for Server, and the tool leverages React JS, and ES6.

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