

2015 Computerworld Data+ Editors’ Choice Award – GFW Commodities

GFW Commodities Wins Computerworld AwardGlobal Forest Watch Commodities (GFW Commodities) received a Computerworld Data+ Editors’ Choice Award for 2015. The award is given to organizations who demonstrate outstanding uses of data analytics. Selected winners are highlighted in the September 2015 feature.

Blue Raster’s winning application, GFW Commodities, is part of The World Resources Institute’s (WRI) Global Forest Watch platform. Launched in June 2014, GFW Commodities aims to help companies measure the risk of deforestation in their supply chains. The application combines datasets on the natural environment, such as forest change, with the locations of palm oil plantations and other areas used by companies to source their supply chains. This approach empowers companies to credibly ensure their products are deforestation-free.

Computerworld Data+ Editors’ Choice Award

This application’s powerful analysis is delivered with Esri ArcGIS Server, Esri ArcGIS Image Server Extension, the JavaScript API and web-service feeds from sources including USGS and NASA.

Visit GFW Commodities, and learn more about the Global Forest Watch platform.

2015 Esri Award – Special Achievement in GIS (SAG)

Blue Raster received a Special Achievement in GIS (SAG) Award in partnership with the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) at the 2015 Esri International User Conference.

Special Achievement in GIS (SAG) Award - Esri 2015 User Conference

The award was given in recognition of our work building MapED and the School District Demographic System (SDDS). Both applications are web mapping tools exploring education and demographic trends. For more information on the award, including a project description, visit the Award Winners page.