Using StoryMaps to Celebrate Arlington County’s 1920 Centennial
Blue Raster celebrates the 100th anniversary of Arlington County with a vivid StoryMap highlighting the county’s numerous historical landmarks. Read More
Blue Raster helps you tell your story through interactive
mapping technology. Make your message clear, exciting,
and user-friendly for both mobile and web platforms.
Blue Raster celebrates the 100th anniversary of Arlington County with a vivid StoryMap highlighting the county’s numerous historical landmarks. Read More
Volunteer organization is the backbone of local political parties, and these volunteers is are increasingly supported by accessible mapping. Recently, Blue Raster worked with the Arlington County Democratic Committee to update their door-to-door newsletter delivery route maps. These maps direct a group of nearly 500 volunteers from door to door, providing them with vital geographic and demographic information. Displaying 443 routes across 52 voter precincts, the success of the maps depends on being both descriptive and easily accessible. Read More