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Tag: demographic

DHS Program Mobile App v2.0 Released

Blue Raster is excited to announce the release of the The DHS Program Mobile App v2.0. A more intuitive interface, offline data download feature and enhanced cartography are a few of the upgrades creating excitement around v2.0.

Here’s a first look at what’s new in this release.


125 indicators

Now when you use the app, you have access to 101 additional indicators — providing more than three times as much data than was previously accessible in v1.0. Behind the scenes, data is being supplied by the STATcompiler database through The DHS Program API. This ensures that you always have up-to-date data, even as new countries and indicators are added or adjusted.

Beautiful, clear design

We updated the look and feel of the app to give you a more compelling, intuitive user experience. We also revamped the maps to feature the latest in cartographic design allowing for better interpretation and clarity.

Take data offline

In v1.0, you could display trends for a single country through Quickstats and compare and contrast 25 preloaded indicators through a series of tables, charts and maps. Now v2.0 features the ability to download Quickstat data packages by country, making complete sets of data accessible even when offline. Through a combination of SQLite, Adobe PhoneGap, HTML5, AngularJS, and JavaScript, Blue Raster and The DHS Program are able to provide far more indicators offline to Android and iOS users.

Get the app for your device today.

STATcompiler Redefined: Into the Modern Era

More than 15 years after initial creation, STATCompiler has reached a level of unparalleled excellency with the latest release. The newly designed Beta STATCompiler website now reflects the most up-to-date indicator data from The DHS Program in a platform accessible universally across devices.




There are several changes to STATCompiler that bring it in to a new era:

  • New user interface and all new cartography for beautiful maps and visualizations
  • Over 500 new indicators including data from the DHS-6 tabulation plan on topics such as domestic violence, female genital cutting, malaria and maternal mortality
  • Metadata is now included in the “indicator details” with full definitions, denominators, and the measure of data (rate, percentage, etc.).
  • Confidence Intervals are now included in the graphics, an especially important consideration for rare events, particularly HIV prevalence and maternal mortality.
  • New data visualizations such as pop-ups in the map that summarizes trends over time
  • Mobile friendly interface allows it to be accessed on tablet devices.
  • The site now leverages the DHS Program’s public Application Programming Interface (API) ensuring data continuity and authenticity.

STATCompiler is built with modern tools such as JavaScript, HTML 5, the ArcGIS JavaScript API and incorporates proven legacy tools such as ColdFusion.


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