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Tag: infrastructure

Esri ArcGIS Cloud Specialty: Elevating our clients’ GIS capabilities to the sky

Blue Raster is thrilled to be a member of the Esri ArcGIS Cloud Services Specialty. This specialty designates Blue Raster as an expert in deploying and managing ArcGIS in cloud environments such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure. The Cloud Specialty program is designed to help Esri connect customers with recognized Partners that can best provide ArcGIS cloud solutions. Partners that meet the criteria for this specialty must demonstrate a track record of delivering value to their customers in implementing, managing, and designing cloud infrastructure in the Esri ArcGIS environment.  

Esri Cloud Services Specialty

To attain this specialty, Esri assessed Blue Raster’s expertise in the following areas of ArcGIS Cloud services: cloud deployments, system architecture and design, migrations, and managed services. Our deployments of ArcGIS Enterprise in the cloud include routine monitoring and maintenance to allow us to fine tune the system as needed, ensuring reliability and performance. Our system architecture and design experience encompasses single machine and multi machine architectures in both AWS and Azure that are customized to our clients’ specifications. We support all types of migrations including on-premises to cloud provider migrations, ArcGIS Online to ArcGIS Enterprise, and integration with third party providers.

Our portfolio of managed services includes the utilization of a wealth of Esri products and tools in the ArcGIS family such as ArcGIS Enterprise, Data Store, GIS Server, GeoAnalytics Server, GeoEvent Server, Notebooks, Image Server, Pro, Monitor, and Enterprise Geodatabases. Implementing these tools empowers us to provide a number of managed cloud services to our clients including design consultation, server construction, Esri software installation, infrastructure troubleshooting, distributed systems configuration, geographic redundancy configuration, OS patching, Esri security patching, routine Esri patch deployment, DevOps services, and user training services, among others. Blue Raster is primed and ready to meet our clients’ needs in all areas of the Esri ArcGIS cloud.

ArcGIS Cloud Solutions by Blue Raster

With over 10 years of experience providing ArcGIS Cloud consulting services, Blue Raster is proud to be a trusted resource for a variety of cloud solutions, including: 

    • Cloud ArcGIS Enterprise implementation 
    • Data migration 
    • System architecture and design 
    • Enterprise migration 
    • Security 

We use our cloud expertise to assist a variety of clients with a range of projects. Our dedicated DevOps team supports our cloud projects from requirements gathering through completion. Keep checking our blog posts for our latest projects as we continually grow and evolve our cloud-based service offerings.  

Are you looking to expand your ArcGIS capabilities in the cloud?
Contact us today to learn more about how we can help!

Haverford College Campus Placefinder

Like most colleges, Haverford College has a dynamic campus life that requires significant management and planning to run smoothly. But recently, Haverford College decided to make this planning easier on themselves by using the power of GIS to their advantage. They were looking for a better solution for their campus planning, so they partnered with Blue Raster to create the Campus Placefinder.

The Campus Placefinder is an application built for Haverford’s facilities management team that provides an easy-to-use interface to access information about facilities on campus. The application allows users to interact with floor plans, and see details such as capacity and occupancy for every room on campus. The app also creates graphs that detail the area of rooms by building, department, or division. With drawing and printing capabilities, this application serves as a way for users to note changes to campus buildings as soon as they’re needed, and easily create a printout to distribute.


Blue Raster built this application to be user-friendly by using custom filters and a search bar so users can quickly find the space they need. Whether the user is looking for a certain building, department on campus, or primary occupant, Campus Placefinder will find the answer, and immediately take the user to the location on the map. With an admin login, a user can edit room information, so the facilities management department can keep all room information up to date. Because the data is hosted through ArcGIS Online, the changes are then immediately available to all other users.

Through this application Blue Raster helped Haverford College improve their facilities data process which will serve the facilities management department as well as Haverford College’s faculty, staff, and students.

Contact Blue Raster today to learn how you can create GIS solutions to meet your needs!

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