ArcGIS Maps for
Microsoft Power BI

Create and edit spatial visualizations directly inside of Microsoft’s
renowned business intelligence platform.

Business Intelligence Meets Location Intelligence

ArcGIS Maps for Microsoft Power BI is a standard feature found within the Visualizations section of the Power BI platform. Users with an existing Microsoft Power BI license can create simple maps and perform basic spatial analysis without any additional charge. However, the creation of advanced maps and graphics requires an ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Maps for Power BI Plus subscription. Let Blue Raster enhance your business’s utilization of ArcGIS Maps for Power BI through the setup and integration of an Online or Plus subscription.

Ready to get started?

ArcGIS Maps for Microsoft Power BI Capabilities

Powerful Location Management and Visualization

The intelligent mapping software within ArcGIS Maps for Microsoft Power BI makes stylistic decisions easier with custom design suggestions for your data. Numerous symbology options also allow for user-controlled personalization of your map displays. In addition, different display features automatically adjust according to size.

Spatial Context for Business Data

Choose from a number of business-tailored basemaps to help visualize the local environment of your data. Add complementary reference layers from ArcGIS Living Atlas to understand the regional conditions for data trends. Boost the utility of your business dashboard with informative context, such as income, population, weather, and more.

Geographically Informed Decision-Making through Spatial Analysis

Automated geocoding takes the hassle out of positioning data that lack x and y coordinates. ArcGIS Maps for Microsoft Power BI simplifies advanced analytical sequences down to individual user-friendly commands. Harness the power of your data by using these built-in spatial analysis features to discover relationships between different source locations.

Everything You Need, Connected

ArcGIS Maps for Microsoft Power BI automatically cross-filters data within all other tiles and widgets in the dashboard. Let Blue Raster help you harness this powerful interactivity that allows you to easily sort and customize the exact data that you want to use.

ArcGIS Maps for Power BI
ArcGIS Maps for Power BI

Get Started Today!

Need to start from scratch? Our team can configure and maintain a multi-faceted business management tool that turns your data into valuable insights. Gain more control over your data than ever before with Microsoft Power BI Setup & Extension from Blue Raster.

Already have a dashboard, but want to get spatial with your data? Kick-start the integration of intelligent mapping solutions into your business plan with Blue Raster. Let our team of skilled GIS technicians create and optimize custom maps in Power BI. Our ArcGIS Online membership provides demo access to advanced features that aren't included with a standard Microsoft Power BI subscription:

    • Global data extents
    • Verified Esri reference layers
    • 12 Basemaps, including satellite imagery
    • Advanced spatial analysis
    • Create up to a million maps per month

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